If you are reading this article you know you should have written goals, if you don’t then write some down now. Goal setting is the key to moving your life faster in the direction you want to go. Most people have boring goals. How do we make our goals more exciting?
Having big exciting goals is vital if you want enthusiasm in your life. No one gets excited by little goals. When you set goals you should aim for the sky, not the ceiling. It is better to aim for the sky and miss than to aim for the ceiling and hit it.
For example if your goal is to earn $100,000 in a year, add a zero to that and make it $1 million dollars. No one gets excited over mediocre goals. Another example of this is if your net worth goal is $1 million, add a zero to it to make it $10 million. These last two examples come from T. Harv Eker, author of the Millionaire Mind.
Although his book is about how to become wealthy he does go over some good basic goal setting techniques that you can use in any area of your life.
Sit down with your list of written goals and ask yourself if you are excited about all of them. Are you excited about them? If you are not, then you will likely not achieve them no matter how easy they are to accomplish.
If your goals are boring, then re-write them in a way where you can be excited about them. Remember to aim for the sky, not the ceiling; ambitions goals will give your life the passion everyone is always seeking.
Luke Blaise
Friday, June 29, 2007
Goal Setting: Setting Ambitious Goals
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: ambitious goals, goal setting, setting exciting goals, T. Harv Eker, The Millionaire Mind, written goals
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Self Improvement: Using Visualizing to Quicken Your Results
Visualization should be part of everyone’s self improvement program. Visualizing has been proven to work in dozens of scientific studies. So how do I apply it to speed up my self improvement program?
Visualizing yourself accomplishing your goals is a very powerful tool that many people don’t take full advantage of in their self improvement programs. Once you try visualization and see its awesome effects you will become a believer.
One classic study of visualization was done involving basketball free throw shooting with 3 groups of people. All three groups were asked to shoot free throws and their results were recorded. After that Group 1 only physically practiced shooting free throws. Group 2 did not practice any free throw shooting, and Group 3 only did visualization exercises involving visualizing themselves shooting baskets.
The surprising result was that Group 1 and Group 3 improved equally between tests. This proves how powerful visualization is.
Almost all Olympic athletes use visualization in their sports programs. East German athletes used these visualization exercises to dominate their competition for years in the twentieth century.
Remember that the mind cannot tell the difference between something that is actively imagined or real. Think about how powerful that statement is.
Start today by spending at 10 minutes three times a day visualizing yourself accomplishing your goals, and living the life you dream of. Make visualization a part of your daily self improvement program.
There are dozens of scientific studies proving the power of visualization. Athletes have been using these exercises for decades to dominate their competition. Use visualization to dominate your goals.
Luke Blaise
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: how to use visualization, self improvement, Visualization, visualizing your goals
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Power of Positive Habits
If there is one thing that can help make improving yourself easier, it is habits.
Habits can make improving yourself and your goals seem almost automatic. That is the great news about positive habits.
What is the bad news?
The bad news is that it takes about 21 days minimum to form them.
Some people are starting to use Cognitive re-structuring to speed up this process.
Dan Robey has created a program so good that he even got Jack Canfield to endorse it. {How is that for taking massive action.} Dan's program can totally automate your self improvement.
I personally think you should check out his program. Because he is selling it through Clickbank he has to give a 60 money back guarantee.
Try the program for 60 days, if you don't like it you get your $40 dollars back!
You can view his pitch page here.
Luke Blaise
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: dan robey, jack canfield, positive habits, power of positive habits
Monday, June 25, 2007
Law of Attraction: You Need Action Not Just Attraction
When the book, The Secret, came out it thrust the law of attraction back into the spotlight. This has lead to a lot of criticism of the book because for many people they don't fully realize how to use the law of attraction.
For many people once they read the book, The Secret, and learned about the law of attraction, they simply sat on their couches and started visualizing money coming to them magically. Well you can sit on the couch all you want but if you want things to come to you, you need to take action.
In order for the Law of Attraction to work its magic you need to work and work hard at taking action. This is where many people will fail when it comes to the law of attraction. It is natural for people to want things to come easily to them without any effort on their part.
The Law of Attraction is not new, not to anyone who has set goals before or has even purchased a new car! Why is the law of attraction like buying a new car? Because what happens once you buy a new car? Suddenly when you are driving you realize lots of other cars that are the same model as yours. Is this magic? No. It is just your brain realizing what you like and want and looking for it.
This is why setting goals is so important. You are telling your brain what you want to focus on and what you want to attract into your life. This way when opportunities present themselves to you, your brain remembers what you want and tells you to act on it.
A great way to get these goals into your subconscious is through automated affirmation software (I recommend Affirmware.) If you don’t' want to get automation software, which is easy to build with basic html, just post your goals on your refrigerator. When you post your goals in areas you walk by all the time your brain is reminded of your goals, even if you don't consciously read them.
If you are reading this article you are likely already putting the law of attraction to work in your life, just remember to take the necessary action.
Thanks for reading.
Luke Blaise
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Law of attraction, the secret book, the secret law of attraction, the secret movie, the secret sucks
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Challenge Your Comfort Zone and Build Confidence With 4 Exercises
Building your confidence by challenging your comfort zone can be a lot of fun. For many people they get stuck in a rut in life and when that happens you can’t build confidence because you never try anything new.
There are many simple steps you can take that will build your confidence and challenge your comfort zone. Here are 4 steps or exercises you can do this week to build your confidence.
1. Make eye contact. Many people today don’t make eye contact as much as they should, and many people won’t even look at you in the eye, much less your face. A great way to build confidence is by trying to hold eye contact with someone longer than you are used too. This may sound easy but you need to try it. You will find out it is hard to leave your comfort zone, but once you get into the simple habit of holding eye contact longer you will feel more confident.
2. Sitting up front in meetings. Most people sit in the back of every place they go. From classrooms to boardrooms, it seems like people are obsessed with sitting the back of the room. Next time you have to go to a meeting, sit in the front row, get used to sticking out of the crowd. At first when you do this exercise it will seem like everyone is staring at you, but this is good. It gets you out of your comfort zone and will build greater confidence.
3. Speak up more often. Many people at meetings don’t say a word and only speak when spoken to. This exercise is another great way to get out of your comfort zone. Nothing makes you feel more vulnerable than putting your personal ideas on the table for discussion.
4. Smile big. This is one of my personal favorite confidence building techniques. Not only do you feel better when you smile, but people will start to wonder what is going on with you. Not only will you stand out by doing this, people will start to talk about why you are smiling all the time. No one needs to know the real reason, just you!
These four exercises are all simple to do but will build your confidence. Once you try these exercises to challenge your comfort zone you will feel your confidence growing automatically.
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Build confidence, building confidence, challenge your comfort zone, self improvement
Friday, June 22, 2007
The Magic of Thinking Big
Think Big! What does that mean and why aren't you doing it?
Most people are conditioned to think small. This isn't their fault, it is society's fault. Children think big all the time, but as people grow they get beaten down by the system.
Are you beaten down?
Think about some ambitious goals to accomplish.
For instance if your goal is to earn $100,000 a year, add a zero to that and make it $1,000,000.
If your net worth goal is $1,000,000 add a zero to make it $10,000,000.
It is hard to get excited about most goals because people don't set the bar high enough. Resolve to aim for the sky, don't aim for the ceiling.
I will leave you with a quote from Raymond Aaron to think about: "What have you done this week to double your income doing what you love?"
Think about that this weekend and be sure to check out this great software: Affirmware.
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: double your income doing what your love, Monthly mentor, raymond aaron, the magic of thinking big, thinking big
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Monthly Mentor
Having a monthly mentor can help you move your life forward much faster and achieve your goals easier. Do you need a mentor and if so how do you find one?
People are always saying that you need a mentor to achieve your goals, but for most people they assume that they have to go out and find an actual person to be their mentor.
Well this is not the case. While it is always best to talk to an actual mentor in person there is no reason why you can’t choose a person as your mentor and just read his or her books.
{Make your life a lot easier with Affirmation software}
For instance you could have David Bach, the personal finance best selling author, as your money mentor. Now you don’t have to talk to him, which might be hard, but what about reading his books, newsletters, and other articles about him to learn his views on finances.
Many people get caught up when finding a mentor, but it is not that hard, and if you find one you don’t like get rid of them and find a new one. You should try to have a mentor for each area of your life that you want to improve. By doing this you will achieve higher levels of success and achieve them faster.
Start today and identity who you want to be your mentor in each area of your life that you want to improve. Then at least once a month, read this person’s book or newsletter and identify tips that you can use right now to improve your life.
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: find a mentor, finding a mentor, mentoring, mentoring someone, Monthly mentor
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Automate Your Life and Goals
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to achieve your goals automatically? There are many simple techniques that you can use to help make achieving your goals easier.
Achieving goals takes a lot of time and hard work usually. Do you think that if you found out a way to achieve your goals automatically that that could increase the quality and joy in your life?
One thing you can do is to start identify areas in your life that you are experiencing difficulties, or are having trouble achieving a goal. Now try to identify if there are any things that you can to make achieving that goal seem easier?
One thing could be a software program (AFFIRMATION SOFTWARE) that every time you sit down at the computer shows you your goals or runs through affirmations for you. Can you post your goals in your high traffic areas around the house like the refrigerator where every time you pass your goals become embedded into your subconscious?
Another thing to do to help you achieve more with less stress is to always carry a notepad with you to write down your ideas or things to do list. Buy moving it out of your mind and onto paper you open up your mind to more productive and joyful thoughts.
Try to come up with ways where you are automatically reminded of your goals. By doing this you will find that you will achieve your goals much faster. Little improvements like this daily can lead to large changes over time. Your goal should be for continuous and daily improvement.
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: achieving goals, automate your life, goal setting, Goals, making your life easy, self improvement
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Aiming For Rolls Royce Quality In Your Life
Living in West Los Angeles I see expensive cars all the time. Cars like Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Masserati, and Bentley are a daily occurrence for me.
I’m always impressed when I see these cars. I asked myself why am I so impressed with these cars, what makes them so special? Well sitting next to a Bentley in traffic I came to realize that it was the quality. Quality is what makes these vehicles luxury items.
How can I afford one of these vehicles I asked myself? Then it hit me. The quality of my work and my contributions have to be of high quality, Rolls Royce quality.
Quality always demands a higher price in the end and always gives you the most value in the end.
Do you perform quality work everyday? If you want to have the fancy luxury items that are of high quality, is your work of equally high quality?
If you don’t live in an area where you see high end luxury cars everyday, look at them on the internet. Observe the quality in their manufacture and design. Is your quality of work of equal quality that these cars are at?
{Learn how daily habits can improve the qualtiy of your life: Daily Habits for Wealth}
Mediocre quality of work will only lead to a mediocre life. Who gets excited about mediocre work or mediocre people? When I see Fords and GM cars drive by I don’t see anyone turning their heads to check them out.
If you want the best that life has to offer, you need to give the best that you have to offer. Start today to committing yourself to Rolls Royce quality in everything you do in life, and soon you will be driving a Rolls Royce.
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: deserving more, doing quality work, quality at work, rollsy royce, se, self improvement
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Mixing and Matching Gurus
There are lots of self improvement gurus out there willing to give you advice on how you should live your life.
Often times I see people proclaiming that one guru is better than the other ones and spending a lot of energy defending that person in forums.
I have learned that just because I don't agree with everything one guru says, that I have to throw all of this advice away.
Just take to parts of what Tony Robbins says that you think will work for you and throw the rest away. Some gurus like Tony Robbins give advice on many areas like health, finance, and realtionships.
I doubt you agree with everything he says in all areas, and probably shouldn't.
Although he does have some great self improvement exerciese.
No matter what self improvement program you do, make sure it is consistent. I have found that this is the biggest key of all.
You can make your life easier by getting some Affirmation Software, so at least some of your self improvement program is on automatic.
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: professional success, self help, self improvement, self worth, success tips
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Commericals Better Than Affirmations?
Advertise in your own mind.
I first heard this concept from Tony Robbins and realized the power in this statement.
Everyday companies spend millions and millions of dollars on advertising to you. You hear the same commericals over and over again until it get pounded into your head.
After a while you realize you can't get that commerical out of your mind.
{Here is a great way to advertise to yourself: Affirmation Software}
Once you realize the power of advertising you need to harness this power.
Come up with a commerical about yourself. Come up with a commerical where you try to sell yourself the great accomplishment you have done or will do.
Then run the exact same commerical through your head over and over again until it gets ingrained into your head!
Come back for more!
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: affirmations, affirmations for wealth, self help, self improvement
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tell Yourself the Ugly Truth
Many people go through lives not fully realizing the true state their life is in because they refuse to face the truth.
{Here is an example that I know at least two other people have had and I'm not picking on fat people, it could be said for any other problem.}
I have had overweight people stand next to me and they have pointed out someone else who was also overweight, but not as overweight as them and tell me how fat that person was.
To restate what I just said, some people don't realize how big they are and think they are alot smaller than what they acutally are.
This is just one of many lies we tell ourselves everyday. Resolve to build healthy daily habits that will lead you to wealth and health.
What are you lying to yourself about?
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: need to loose weight, need to lose weight, overweight, tell yourself the truth, telling the truth
Saturday, June 9, 2007
I Have Proof of Your Worth!
Yes, I do have proof of your worth. In fact eveyone who watches the news on TV or reads the newspaper has this proof as well.
Many people don't think they are not worthy of certain things in life, but consider this:
If you were lost in the woods or mountains people would come looking for you! Why?
Simple because you are a human being!
You see this everyday on TV. A person gets lost hiking through the woods, a snow skier gets lost on a mountain, and you know what happens?
{Learn more about the Power of Positive Habits}
People, lots of people go looking for them, and they don't stop looking for them until they are found or until all hope is lost.
Therefore if you were lost, people, lots of people who don't even know you personally would go looking for you. They would not give up until you were found.
Just remember this simple fact next time you don't think very highly of yourself!
Here is to your success
Posted by Crystal Jordan at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: personal development, self improvement, self worth