Saturday, June 16, 2007

Mixing and Matching Gurus

There are lots of self improvement gurus out there willing to give you advice on how you should live your life.

Often times I see people proclaiming that one guru is better than the other ones and spending a lot of energy defending that person in forums.

I have learned that just because I don't agree with everything one guru says, that I have to throw all of this advice away.

Just take to parts of what Tony Robbins says that you think will work for you and throw the rest away. Some gurus like Tony Robbins give advice on many areas like health, finance, and realtionships.

I doubt you agree with everything he says in all areas, and probably shouldn't.

Although he does have some great self improvement exerciese.

No matter what self improvement program you do, make sure it is consistent. I have found that this is the biggest key of all.

You can make your life easier by getting some Affirmation Software, so at least some of your self improvement program is on automatic.


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